6 research outputs found

    The Role of Associations in Vocabulary Acquisition: A Psycholinguistic Study on Indian ESL Learners

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    Learning English as a second language is an area of study which demands persistent research, probing and application of the findings. In India, English language is a part of everyday life, and the exposure to English vocabulary comes through a multitude of sources which include media, game applications and social networking among others. In many instances, even complicated and less frequent words are made familiar by these sources. However, the learners of ESL struggle for a good choice of words when they are in a situation to use the language. This has led the researcher to question how the process of vocabulary acquisition happens and how the acquired words are organised and stored. The current research is a psycholinguistic analysis of the way words are organised and associated with each other in the mental lexicon of the learners. The researcher attempts to study the role and impact of associations in vocabulary acquisition through an experimental study. The participants of the study are 120 Indian ESL learners enrolled for an undergraduate programme. They were tested with two methods of teaching vocabulary, namely the word definition method and semantic cluster method. The outcome of the study is discussed in the research paper.Вивчення англійської мови як другої мови є сферою дослідження, яка вимагає наполегливості, перевірки й прикладне застосування одержаних результатів. В Індії англійська мова є частиною повсякденного життя, тому частина англійської лексики має безліч джерел, які включають у себе засоби масової інформації, ігрові додатки та соціальні мережі. У багатьох випадках навіть складні та менш поширені слова стають загальновідомими завдяки вищезгаданим джерелам. Проте студенти, які вивчають англійську як другу мову стикаються з проблемою вибору правильної лексики під час конкретної мовленнєвої ситуації. Це зумовило мету цієї статті − з’ясувати, яким чином відбувається процес відбору лексики і як набуті слова організовуються та засвоюються. Це дослідження присвячене психолінгвістичному аналізу, а саме: як слова організовані й пов’язані одне з одним в ментальному лексиконі студентів. Автори роблять спробу вивчити роль і вплив асоціацій на формування словникового запасу шляхом експерименту. Учасниками дослідження були 120 індійських студентів бакалаврату, які вивчаютьанглійську як другу мову. Студентів тестували за допомогою двох методів викладання лексики, а саме методу визначення слова і методу семантичного кластера. Результати дослідження подано в цій науковій праці

    East European Journal Of Psycholinguistics

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    East European Journal of Psycholinguistics is an international double-blind peerreviewed academic periodical published semiannually. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for scholars to share, foster, and discuss globally various new topics and advances in different fields of modern psycholinguistics. The journal publishes original manuscripts covering but not limited to the following theoretical and applied fields of psycholinguistics: Bilingualism Clinical Psycholinguistics Cognitive Linguistics Cognitive Psychology Discourse Analysis Forensic Linguistics First and Second/Foreign Language Acquisition Neurolinguistics Pragmatics Psychology of Language and Speech Sociolinguistics Translation Studie

    Blogs to Disseminate Literature

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    Digital publications have popularized blogs both for Reading and writing. It has created an interactive method of sharing and publishing. The academicians make a hue over this as it kills Literature both in content and writing. No longer have the younger generation got a time to sit and read big classics; but they are still avid readers. The internet world is quick to absorb everything. The audio books, the YouTube have changed their world. They are ready to adapt them to their situation and time. Nobody can deny the benefits of BLOG such as serving a platform to quickly interchange the opinion and develop a new outlook though there is a change in the use of language such as from formal to informal and conversational. We have to accept the fact that language is changing and that is inevitable. The paper will present how this has occurred as days go by and how the youth look at it

    Blogs to Disseminate Literature

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    Digital publications have popularized blogs both for Reading and writing. It has created an interactive method of sharing and publishing. The academicians make a hue over this as it kills Literature both in content and writing. No longer have the younger generation got a time to sit and read big classics; but they are still avid readers. The internet world is quick to absorb everything. The audio books, the YouTube have changed their world. They are ready to adapt them to their situation and time. Nobody can deny the benefits of BLOG such as serving a platform to quickly interchange the opinion and develop a new outlook though there is a change in the use of language such as from formal to informal and conversational. We have to accept the fact that language is changing and that is inevitable. The paper will present how this has occurred as days go by and how the youth look at it

    Blogs to Disseminate Literature

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    Digital publications have popularized blogs both for Reading and writing. It has created an interactive method of sharing and publishing. The academicians make a hue over this as it kills Literature both in content and writing. No longer have the younger generation got a time to sit and read big classics; but they are still avid readers. The internet world is quick to absorb everything. The audio books, the YouTube have changed their world. They are ready to adapt them to their situation and time. Nobody can deny the benefits of BLOG such as serving a platform to quickly interchange the opinion and develop a new outlook though there is a change in the use of language such as from formal to informal and conversational. We have to accept the fact that language is changing and that is inevitable. The paper will present how this has occurred as days go by and how the youth look at it

    Growth of Business English and the Need to Teach Memo-Writing Skills to Indian Tertiary-Level Learners

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    English has become an inevitable means of communication. Due to globalization and rapid growth in business communication, the need to learn the English language has also gained momentum. Employers are looking for employees who are skilled in the language skills. In India, English has become an important means of communication and learning in the education and professional setup. Though English is being taught in schools and colleges, Indian students miserably fail to produce a good quality lengthy composition. In this respect, this paper aims to focus on the need to teach memo-writing skills to tertiary students. To this end, a group of second year Indian BCA students was taken as samples for the study. The students were given a pre-test on memo writing. They lacked the essential skills in writing a memo. In order to improve their memo writing skills the students had to undergo four tasks. At the end of the tasks, they were able to write a good memo. The corporate world demands accurate business writings and our students have to be trained to meet the demands of the business world. This paper studies the growth of business English, the components of effective business writing and the need to teach business writing to tertiary students, which will enable them to be successful in the business world